Meta-Notes Eternal

     The Meta-Notes shall never end! Muahahahaha! No, in all seriousness, I need these to inform you readers what I'll be doing with the blog, and I'm putting them in separate posts instead of mashing them into others because I like to be organized and it's easier to look them up that way.
     You may have guessed already that, since I have posted a Meta-Note, I have something to talk about. I do, in fact, as the alternative would be to leave the rest of this post blank. That really wouldn't be interesting, would it?
     The first item on my list is the Vocaloid Descriptions. I already have a Google Doc named Vocaloid Descriptions in which I have copy-pasted the format for a description eighty-something times (there are 85 Vocaloids in total, but I've lumped some of them together) and now I'm filling in the information. Some of them are finished, most of them are not, but basically I'll be finishing up one of the descriptions, then pasting them into the blog. However, that doesn't take much effort, I want to write about other things as well, and you might get bored with that, especially since it would take me a little less than a year to finish all of them.... Gah. I eventually figured out a compromise: I post every Friday and Saturday, so each week one of those posts will be a Vocaloid description and the other one will be something else. I'll share Vocaloid trivia, early Vocaloid history, book recommendations, and other thoughts.
     That's all I think I wanted to say. I probably forgot something, but that's just me being me. Oh well.


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