Why Hello There
I have finally gotten around to creating a blog. Yay for me!
Wait, why? And what is it about?
I'll answer both those questions at once. I have been a fan of Vocaloids ever since... Oh, a few weeks into this current school year. I love learning all I can about all the different aspects of it, and have learned quite a lot so far. I probably got that particular "obsessive" trait from my dad, probably meaning almost definitely. However, I don't have anyone to talk to about this. I have tons of information to share, and no one to share it with.
For a while, I had a solution for this, albeit a temporary one. I wrote all the things I could think of about Vocaloids in a Google Document, named, straightforwardly, Vocaloids. At time of writing it is 31 pages long. But it was hard to share with other people, and I couldn't use it to find other fans. As a result, I still didn't have anyone to talk to. I couldn't comment on YouTube videos, couldn't use any social media. It felt like there was a "glass wall" (yes, pun intended) between me and my fellow fans.
So. Here is a blog! The story leading up to it is slightly complicated, and maybe I will document it at a later date, but for now, suffice it to say that my mom had been encouraging me to start one for a while and we finally just did it.
What are the other things you usually address when starting a blog... Ah, the dreaded Posting Schedule. Well, above all other things I should post at least once a week, a bit more when I'm starting. I'm thinking Saturday, since that is the Wonderful Day of Freedom- or at least most of the time. If I'm occupied on Saturday, then I'll post on Friday or Sunday instead.
If anyone doesn't like the purple theme, by the way, I'll tone it down a bit and change the lavender to white.
As for what this blog is about, the title about says it all. Well, Singing Computers is Vocaloids, and the Randomness part is because it made the title sound better, and I also may not be able to resist a good book recommendation or meaningless rant once in a while. I hope you'll tolerate it.
Anyway, that's about all for now! Thank you so much for reading!
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