
Showing posts from November, 2019

My Eighth-Grade Vocaloid Essay

(Note: I homeschooled for middle school, and for writing class in eighth grade I took a very good writing class from someone local who hosted writing classes for homeschoolers at her house weekly. She was an incredibly  good teacher, and in some ways I owe this whole blog to her. To be honest, I was occasionally annoyed by how much of a stickler she was on avoiding "to be" verbs and not repeating words. Only one of those lessons have I eventually taken to heart, as you can see... But one of the things I liked about her was how freely she allowed us to interpret the prompts. As you can see from the title, I wrote an essay about Vocaloid. I'm posting it here, along with (my commentary in bold and parentheses, like this) because it's actually pretty good, at least for an eighth grader. Since their invention, people have manipulated computers and computer programs to accomplish incredible tasks, things once thought only accomplishable by a human. To name a few, co...

The Post Where You're Subjected Once Again To My Tastes In Music

     (It’s time for another one, bois. Prepare yourselves. Also, this was the post that I bit more off of than I could chew. Can you tell? Anyway, let's just jump right in, since you already know what this is.)      Vocalsynth cover artists:       MioDioDaVinci - Turned me into a Kyo fan in the span of an hour when I listened to their covers. Also does a good job with the other ZOLA boys and VY2.       Lanuman - First, their tuning is really realistic. Second, I really like how they use a lot of Vocaloid “underdogs” really well. Third, their manly Piko gives me life.      Vocalsynth Producers:       kyaami/cillia - The absolute goddess of Vocaloid and other synth tuning in general. Show her covers to your friends and they'll think it's a human singing. She used to be in the cover artists section, but recently she released a Vo...

Fellow Feeling, Another Porter Robinson Story/Poem

(Um hi, sorry for the late post, I was quite busy. Also, I bit off more than I could chew again. You'll see that post next week. That has happened multiple times, though, hasn't it? I have to figure out what to do about that. Hmm. In the meantime, enjoy this thing I wrote a while ago but never posted. I think I might just like some of Porter Robinson's music, what do you think? This one is less about the music of life and more about, well, music, specifically how it is changing and how it will change and whether that is good or bad or just... the same. Because music never really changes, deep down inside, past the surface.) I hadn’t listened to Fellow Feeling for months. I didn’t remember exactly how it went, but I remembered that the cello part was nice, but there was also an ugly part as well. But recently I reminded myself that all of Porter’s music is good, so I decided to listen again. I didn’t realize… I had goosebumps by the end. I did ...

Under Moonlight

So. I have mentioned AegisSan as one of the Vocaloid Producers I like. Well. This is a comment thread from about 6 months ago on their song Without You : Click on image for large size- Sorry :( Fast forward to six months later, to yesterday: That collab happened and released! It was definitely  a learning experience- I had to find: -A microphone (My dad had one he had bought to record audiobooks with and never used) -Recording software (I eventually decided on Voice Recorder Pro, by Splend Apps) -A metronome system to keep me on the beat (Headphones that are 'broken' in exactly the right way) -A good space for recording (Basement) -A way to convert the files AegisSan sent me into sheet music (Midis and MuseScore) Then I got my two best friends into the project (one of them plays/played viola, the other plays cello) and had them record parts too, so scheduling was also a problem since at the time of writing they are un...


     You are a dreamy person.      Well, everyone is, really. Everyone has dreams, most of them unremarkable. Some they remember and dream again and again. People often explore their dreams, travelling far and wide, or maybe just making their home in a little niche. Sometimes they add new things to their dreams.      However, everyone seems to agree that, by far, the best thing to do with your dream is to share it with another person. Sure, they might not like it for one reason or another or no reason, but it is worth the risk to have someone dreaming the same dream, exploring and making with you.      If the dream is good enough, you share it with lots of people and make a community. Some of the best dreams are ones that have been built up by hundreds, or even thousands of people over years, or even decades.      One of your classmates at school shares a dream with you. She says it wasn’t her dream originally, t...